CAN-FD transport layer

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The communication over CAN (Control Area Network) bus. Compared to other transport layers that are point-to-point this is bus and thus it must not only provide message transfer but also a connection tracking.

CAN has the following abilities:

  • Delivery of the CAN frames is not ensured (it can be lost)
  • Single CAN frame can be transmitted multiple times
  • CAN frames are delivered in order based on CAN ID priority and never out of order
  • Collision is resolved by avoiding it based on the CAN ID (lower has higher priority)
  • CAN frames correctness is ensured with CRC32
  • Flow control is handled by CAN overload frame

CAN supports few different types of the frames:

  • Data frames: regular frames used to transfer data
  • Remote frames: frame that caries no data and data length (0x0 - 0xf) is just informative. SHV RPC uses these as following signal frames:
    • Message abort frame with data length 0x0
    • Device advertisement frame with data length 0x1
    • Device discover frame with data length 0x2

CAN bus is designed for control applications but SHV RPC is rather configuration and management interface and thus the design here prioritizes fair queueing over message delivery deadline guaranties. This is because we expect that SHV RPC will overcommit the bus (contrary to common control applications).

CAN bus has limited bandwidth and thus it is not desirable in most cases to emit all signals device has (contrary to standard SHV RPC device design). The SHV native way to introduce filtering is to use RPC Broker and thus it is highly suggested that devices on CAN bus should expose RPC Broker to it.


CAN ID can be either 29 bits or 11 bits. SHV RPC uses exclusively only 11 bits ID.

| NotLast [1] | First [1] | QoS [1] | Device address [8] |
  • NotLast is 0 when no subsequent CAN frame will follow this one and 1 otherwise. This prioritizes message termination on the bus.
  • First is 1 when this is initial CAN frame and 0 otherwise. This penalizes start of the new message and thus prefers SHV RPC message finish.
  • QoS should be flipped on every SHV RPC message sent. It ensures that devices with high CAN ID (low priority) get chance to transmit their messages. It is allowed that device that is quiet for considerable amount of time to set it to any state (commonly beneficial for that device).
  • Device address this must be unique address of the device transmitting CAN frame or bitwise not of it when QoS is 1. The addresses 0x0 and 0xff are reserved. The bit flipping of the device address based on the QoS ensures that high priority CAN IDs in QoS 1 are low priority ones in the QoS 0 and vice versa, thus devices should get somewhat equal chance to transmit their messages.

Note: The advantage of using only 11 bits is with CAN-FD where initial arbitration runs in slower speed and by not using 29 bits it will be shorter and thus communication faster.

First data byte

The first data byte in the CAN frame has special meaning.

For CAN frames with First bit set (1) in CAN ID the first byte must be destination device address. This identifies the device this SHV RPC message is intended for.

For CAN frames with First bit unset (0) in CAN ID the first byte must be sequence number that starts with 0x0 for the second CAN frame (third is 0x1 and so on). If sequence number reaches 0xff then it just simply wraps around to 0x0.

The complete and valid SHV RPC message thus starts with CAN frame with First set, continues with CAN frames where First is not set and NotLast is set and first data byte is sequence, and terminates by CAN frame where NotLast is not set. The consistency of the message (that no CAN frame is lost) is ensured with counter in first data byte.

Transport error is detected if CAN frame with First not set in CAN ID is received with byte having number in first data byte out of order (while ignoring frames with same number as the last received CAN frame from that specific device). Such SHV RPC message is silently dropped and error is ignored as subsequent messages can be consistent again without any action.

The message can be terminated by CAN RTR frame (Remote transmission request) with both NotLast and First unset and data length set to 0x0.


Connection between devices is automatically established with first message being exchanged. There can be only one connection channel between two devices. To disengage it the ResetSession message can be sent (that is regular CAN frame with NotLast not set and First set in CAN ID and data containing only byte with destination device address and one 00 byte).


Due to the CAN bus bandwidth limitations it is suggested to expose SHV RPC Broker instead of just plain device, but sometimes it is beneficial to not add the signal filtering and instead to automatically broadcast signals. Such signals are not intended for any specific device and are just submitted on the bus with special destination device address 0xff.

The only allowed SHV RPC message type for destination device address 0xff is RpcSignal. Other message types received with this destination device address must be ignored and devices should not send them.

Handling of the broadcast signals is up to the application it receives it. SHV RPC Brokers will propagate them further if given device is mounted and subscribed.

One concrete example when this is beneficial is for date and time synchronization device. Such device can send signals with precise time to let other devices to synchronize with it.

SHV Device discovery

SHV devices on CAN bus must be possible to discover to not only be able to dynamically mount them to SHV RPC Broker but also to actively diagnose the CAN bus.

Once device is ready to receive messages on CAN bus it should send CAN RTR frame (Remote transmission request) with data length set to 0x1 (the CAN ID should have NotLast not set and First set which applies to all CAN RTR frames). This ensures that it gets discovered as soon as possible.

Device that wants to perform discovery can send CAN RTR frame (Remote transmission request) with data length set to 0x2. Device that receives this CAN frame must respond with CAN RTR frame with data length set to 0x1.

Address collision resolution

The standard deployment should prevent address collisions by allocating them for the whole bus before deployment, but there is also a use case for on site ad hoc connection and in such situation it is unclear what address should be chosen. The device should select random unallocated address but that won't prevent collision, only minimize them.

All CAN devices (that includes SHV clients) must listen for others using their address and must send CAN RTR (Remote transmission request) frame with size set to 0x3 when they receive CAN frame they did not send. CAN devices with same dynamic address receiving this RTR frame must choose a different one.

The best practice is to choose address from upper range (close to 255) and initially send dummy CAN RTR frame with size set to 0xf. Do this in 200ms intervals five times. The communication with other CAN devices can start if no CAN RTR frame with size 0x3 is received in the meantime.

CAN RTR frames index

This is full list of all different CAN RTR frames used in the protocol:

Data length fieldUsage
0x0SHV message termination
0x1Device presence announcement
0x2Device discovery request
0x3Address collision notice
0xfDummy frame with no effect