Unified Resource Locators are common way to specify connection. This is definition of such URL for Silicon Heaven RPC.

Examples of URLs for Silicon Heaven RPC:


The base format is:

URL = scheme ":" ["//" [username "@"] authority] [path] ["?" options]

options is sequence of attribute-value pairs split by = an joined by & (example: password=test&devid=foo). Generally supported options are:

  • password: Plain text password used to login to the server.
  • shapass: Password hashed with SHA1 used to login to the server.
  • user: Alternative way to set user name that overrides user in URL. The default user name if neither is used is local user's name or the platform specific alternative.
  • devid: Identify to the other side as device with this ID.
  • devmount: Identify to the other side as device and request mount to the given location.

TCP/IP protocol

scheme = "tcp"
authority = host [":" port]

The default host is localhost and port is 3755. Any non-empty path is invalid as it has no meaning in IP.

This uses TCP/IP with Block transport layer.

TCP/IP serial protocol

scheme = "tcps"
authority = host [":" port]

This is variant of TCP/IP protocol. It is same except of used transport layer. Please refer to the previous section for more info. The only difference is the default port that is 3765.

This uses TCP/IP with Serial transport layer.

TCP/IP protocol with SSL

scheme = "ssl"
authority = host [":" port]

The default host is localhost and port is 3756. Any non-empty path is invalid as it has no meaning in IP.

The additional supported options are:

  • ca: Path to the file with CA certificates used to verify the peer.
  • cert: Path to the file with certificate. For clients connecting to the server this is client certificate that is validated by server for access and in some cases can replace password. For server this is certificate clients verify to validate if they are connecting to the correct server.
  • key: Path to the file with secret part of the cert. This must be specified alongside with cert.
  • crl: Path to the file with certification revocation list. This is used to invalidate client certificates on the server.
  • verify: can be used with either true or false to control if server should be verified or not. The default, if not specifies, is true. Setting false forces client to accept any certificate as valid.

This uses TLS TCP/IP with Block transport layer.

TCP/IP serial protocol with SSL

scheme = "ssls"
authority = host [":" port]

This is variant of TCP/IP protocol with SSL. It is same except of used transport layer. Please refer to the previous section for more info. The only difference is the default port that is 3766.

This uses TLS TCP/IP with Serial transport layer.

Unix/Local domain socket

scheme = "unix"

There is no default path and thus empty path is considered invalid. Any non-empty authority is also considered as invalid because it has no meaning.

This uses Unix sockets for local interprocess communication with Block transport layer.

Unix/Local domain socket serial protocol

scheme = "unixs"

This is variant of Unix/Local domain socket. It is same except of used transport layer. Please refer to the previous section for more info.

This uses Unix sockets for local interprocess communication with Serial transport layer.

Serial / RS232

scheme = ("serial" | "tty")

path needs to point to valit serial device. There is no default path and thus empty path is considered invalid. Any non-empty authority is also considered as invalid because it has no meaning.

The additional supported options are:

  • baudrate: Specifies baudrate used for the serial communication.

Other common serial-port parameters are at the moment specified as not configurable and are expected to be: eight bits per word, no parity, single stop bit, enabled hardware flow control, disabled software flow control.

This uses serial console or terminal like interface as bidirectional stream channel with Serial transport layer.


scheme = ("ws")
authority = host [":" port]

The default host is localhost and port is 8755.

WebSocket over SSL

scheme = ("wss")
authority = host [":" port]

The default host is localhost and port is 8766.

  • ca: Path to the file with CA certificates used to verify the peer.
  • cert: Path to the file with certificate. For clients connecting to the server this is client certificate that is validated by server for access and in some cases can replace password. For server this is certificate clients verify to validate if they are connecting to the correct server.
  • key: Path to the file with secret part of the cert. This must be specified alongside with cert.
  • crl: Path to the file with certification revocation list. This is used to invalidate client certificates on the server.
  • verify: can be used with either true or false to control if server should be verified or not. The default, if not specifies, is true. Setting false forces client to accept any certificate as valid.