Discovering SHV paths and methods

SHV paths address different nodes in the SHV tree and every node has methods associated with it.


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

This method needs to be implemented for every node (that is every valid SHV path). It provides a way to list all available methods and signals of the node.

Be aware that for existing nodes the result of this method should be constant. There should be no methods added nor removed during the node existence.

Null | false | true[i{...}, ...]

This method can be called with or without parameter. The valid parameters are:

  • Null or false and in such case all methods are listed with their info.
  • true is same as false or Null with exception that result can also contain extra map.
  • String with possible method name for which false is provided if there is no such method and some other value (except of null) when there is.

The method info in IMap must contain these fields:

  • 1 (name): string containing method's name. This must be unique name for single node. It is not allowed to provide multiple descriptions with same name for the same node.
  • 2 (flags): is integer value flag assembled from the following values:
    • 1 (1 << 0) no longer used and reserved for compatibility reasons. In the past it signaled that name is not callable. New implementations should ignore method descriptions with this bit set.
    • 2 (IsGetter, 1 << 1) specifies that method is a getter. This method must be callable without side effects without any parameter.
    • 4 (IsSetter, 1 << 2) specifies that method is a setter. This method must be callable that accepts parameter and provides no value. They are commonly paired with getter.
    • 8 (LargeResult, 1 << 3) specifies that provided value in response is going to be large. This exists to signal that by calling this method you can block the connection for considerable amount of time.
    • 16 (NotIdempotent, 1 << 4) specifies that method is not idempotent. Such method can't be simply called but instead needs to be called first without parameter to get unique submit ID that needs to be used in argument for real call. This unique submit ID prevents from same request being handled multiple times because first execution will invalidate the submit ID and thus prevents re-execution.
    • 32 (UserIDRequired, 1 << 5) specifies that method requires UserID to be called. Calling this method without it should result in UserIDRequired error.
  • 3 (paramType): defines parameter type for the requests. Type is a String identifier. It can be missing or have value Null instead of String if method takes no parameter (or only Null).
  • 4 (resultType): defines result type for the responses. The is a String identifier. It can be missing or have value Null instead of String if method provides no value (or only Null).
  • 5 (accessLevel): specifies minimal access level needed to call this method as Int. The allowed values can be found in table in RpcMessage article.
  • 6 (signals): is used for signals associated with this method. Signals have their names and type identifier for value they carry. They are specified as a Map from signal's name to String type identifier. It is allowed to use Null instead of String for type and in such case type is the method's result type (of course field 4 must be defined).
  • 63 (extra): extra Map that can contain anything you want. It is provided only if true is passed as argument and can be used to provide additional implementation specific info for this method.

Examples of dir requests:

=> <id:42, method:"dir", path:"">i{}
<= <id:42>i{2:[i{1:"dir", 2:0, 3:"idir", 4:"odir", 5:1},i{1:"ls", 2:0, 3:"ils", 4:"ols", 5:1, 6:{"lsmod":"olsmod"}}]}
=> <id:43, method:"dir", path:"test/path">i{1:false}
<= <id:43>i{2:[i{1:"dir", 2:0, 3:"idir", 4:"odir", 5:1},i{1:"ls", 2:0, 3:"ils", 4:"ols", 5:1, 6:{"lsmod":"olsmod"}},{1:"get", 2:2, 3:"iget", 4:"String", 5:8, 6:{"chng":null}}]}
=> <id:44, method:"dir", path:"test/path">i{1:"get"}
<= <id:44>i{2:true}
=> <id:44, method:"dir", path:"test/path">i{1:"nonexistent"}
<= <id:44>i{2:false}

The previous version (before SHV RPC 3.0) supported both Null and String but provided Map instead of IMap. The String argument also always provided list (with one or no maps). Even older implementations provided list of lists [[name, signature, flags, description],...]. Clients that do want to fully support all existing devices should support both of the old representations as well as the latest one.

The compatibility mapping between IMap keys and historical Map is:

IMap keyMap key
5"access" or "accessGrant" but value is string like for Access in RpcMessage


NameSHV PathFlagsSignalAccess

This method needs to be implemented for every valid SHV path. It provides a way to list all children nodes of the node.


This method can be called with or without parameter. The valid parameters are:

  • Null and in such case all children node names are provided in the list of strings.
  • String with possible child name for which false is provided if node has no such child and some other value (except of null) if there is.

Examples of ls requests:

=> <id:42, method:"ls", path:"">i{}
<= <id:42>i{2:["foo", "fee", "faa"]}
=> <id:45, method:"ls", path:"">i{1:"fee"}
<= <id:45>i{2:true}
=> <id:45, method:"ls", path:"">i{1:"nonexistent"}
<= <id:45>i{2:false}

The previous versions (before SHV RPC 0.1) supported Null argument but not String, instead it supported list with String and Int. This variant is discouraged to be used by new clients. The Null variant is fully backward compatible.

Signal lsmod

The signal that has to be sent if there is change in the result of the *:ls method. This includes case when new nodes are added as well as when nodes are removed. The SHV Path must be to the lowest still valid node (valid after change).


The value sent with notification needs to be Map where keys are name of the nodes that were added or removed and value is Bool signaling the node existence. true thus signals added node and false removed one. It is allowed and desirable to specify multiple node changes in one signal but you should not delay notification sending just to combine it with some future changes, it must be sent as soon as possible.

<= <signal:"lsmod", path:"test", source:"ls">i{1:{"device":true}}