Property nodes

Property node is a convention where we associate value storage with some SHV path. The value can be received, optionally modified and its change can be signaled.

The type of the property depends on the presence of the methods. The following table

Read only✔️
Read only with signaled change✔️✔️
Read-write with signaled change✔️✔️✔️


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

This method is used for getting the current value associated with SHV path. Every property node needs to have get method and every node with get method can be considered as property node.

Null | IntAny

Integer argument is maximal age in milliseconds. Value can be of any age if Null parameter is used (or omitted). The age is relevant when latest value must be received over some other medium (such as from Modbus) and thus every request would trigger a new exchange. Instead if latest exchange was withing specified age the value can be served from cache.

=> <id:42, mtehod:"get", path:"test/property">i{}
<= <id:42>i{2:"hello"}
=> <id:42, method:"get", path:"test/property">i{1:60000}
<= <id:42>i{2:"Cached"}


Value change can be optionally signaled with signal. It is used when you have desire to get info about value change without polling. Note that signal might not be emitted just on value change (that means old value can be same as the new one) and it might not be emitted on some value changes (for example if change was under some notification deadband level). To get latest value you should always use *:get instead of waiting for *chng signal but if you receive *chng then you can save yourself a *:get call.

The signal name can be either just chng or any name with that as suffix (such as fchng).

The *chng needs to provide the same value as *:get would, which is value associated with the SHV path.

<= <signal:"chng", path:"test/property", source:"get">i{1:"Hello World"}


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

This method is used for changing the value associated with SHV path. By providing this method alongside with *:get you are making the read-write property. Property is considered read-only if you omit this method.

The *:get should be providing value specified in *:set parameter as soon as completion of *:set method is confirmed (response is sent). In other words: the set value can be received with *:get right after *:set completes. This rules out situation where *:get reports real (measured) value while *:set specifies a reference. You should always split this to two property nodes where reference is read-write property and real value is read-only one.

=> <id:42, method:"set", path:"test/property">i{1:"Hello World"}
<= <id:42>i{}