Broker API

The broker needs to implement application API, as well as some additional methods and broker's side of the login sequence (unless it connects to other broker and in such case it performs client side).

The broker can be pretty much ignored when you are calling methods (sending request and receiving response messages). On the other hand, signal message retrieval needs to be requested from broker, because broker won't pass them automatically and thus knowledge about broker is required for clients wanting to receive signals.

The call to :ls(".broker") can be used to identify application as being a broker.

Signals filtering

Devices send regularly signal messages but by propagating these messages to all clients is not always desirable. For that reason signals are filtered. The default is to not send signal messages and clients need to explicitly request them with subscriptions (note that it is allowed that subscriptions would be seeded by the broker based on the login).

The speciality of these methods is that they are client specific. In general RPC should respond to all clients the same way, if it has access rights high enough, but these methods manage client's specific table of subscriptions, and thus it must work with only client specific info.

Note that all the methods under .broker/currentClient have access set to Browse. Client must always have access to these methods, so access is irrelevant in this case. On the other hand broker must deny access to the .broker/currentClient:subscribe and .broker/currentClient:unsubscribe of their mount points to their clients. That is because otherwise clients could influence subscriptions that need to be maintained by the broker itself.

Brokers can be chained by mounting broker inside another one. Such mounted broker of course won't automatically be sending its signal messages and thus they won't be propagated. Simple solution is to subscribe for all signal messages, but that is not efficient. The better solution is to derive an appropriate subscription for mounted broker and subscribe for only this limited set of signal messages. If you are implementing broker then be aware that multiple subscribes can be derived to the same one and thus unsubscribe must be performed with care to not remove still needed ones. The solution for that is to not use unsubscribe and rely on TTL instead.


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

Adds rule that allows receiving of signals (notifications) from shv path. The subscription applies to all methods of given name in given path and sub-paths. The default path is an empty and thus root of the broker, this subscribes on given method in all accessible nodes of the broker.

String | [String, Int]Bool

The parameter is resource identifier for signals. There is also an option to subscribe only for limited time by using list parameter where first argument is RPC RI and the second is TTL in seconds. The subscribe with specified TTL is automatically dropped when given number of seconds elapses. This time can be extended by calling subscribe with TTL again or it can be even removed when called without TTL.

It provides true if subscription was added and false if there was already such subscription.

=> <id:42, method:"subscribe", path:".broker/currentClient">i{1:"**:*:chng"}
<= <id:42>i{2:true}
=> <id:42, method:"subscribe", path:".broker/currentClient">i{1:["test/device/**:get:chng", 120]}
<= <id:42>i{2:true}


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

Reverts an operation of .broker/currentClient:subscribe.


The parameter must be resource identifier for signal used for subscription creation.

It provides true in case subscription was removed and false if it couldn't have been found.

=> <id:42, method:"unsubscribe", path:".broker/currentClient">i{1:"**:*:chng"}
<= <id:42>i{2:true}
=> <id:42, method:"unsubscribe", path:".broker/currentClient">i{1:"invalid/**:*:chng"}
<= <id:42>i{2:false}


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

This method allows you to list all existing subscriptions for the current client.

Null{String: Int | Null, ...}

Map of strings to int key value pairs is provided where keys are resource identifiers for signals and values are TTL remaining for the existing subscriptions. Null TTL means, that the subscription lasts forever.

=> <id:42, method:"subscriptions", path:".broker/currentClient">i{}
<= <id:42>i{2:["**:*:chng", "test/device/**:get:chng"]}


The primary use for SHV Broker is the communication between multiple clients. The information about connected clients and its parameters is beneficial not only for the client's them self but primarily to the administrators of the SHV network.


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

Information the broker has on the client.

Int{"clientId":Int, "userName":String|Null, "mountPoint":String|Null, "subscriptions":{String: Int | Null, ... }, ...} | Null

The parameter is client's ID (Int). The provided value is Map with info about the client. The Null is provided in case there is no client with this ID.

The Map containing at least these fields:

  • "clientId" with Int containing ID assigned to this client.
  • "userName" with String user name used during the login sequence. This can be Null because broker can have clients it established itself and thus won't perform any login.
  • "mountPoint" with String SHV path where device is mounted. This can be Null in case this is not a device.
  • "subscriptions" is a list of subscriptions of this client.

Additional fields are allowed to support more complex brokers but are not required nor standardized at the moment.

=> <id:42, method:"clientInfo", path:".broker">i{1:68}
<= <id:42>i{2:{"clientId:68, "userName":"smith", "mountPoint": "iot/device", "subscriptions":["**:*:chng"]}}
=> <id:42, method:"clientInfo", path:".broker">i{1:126}
<= <id:42>i{2:null}


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

Information the broker has on the client that is mounted on the given SHV path.

String{"clientId":Int, "userName":String|Null, "mountPoint":String|Null, "subscriptions":[String, ...], ...} | Null

The parameter is SHV path (String). The provided value is same as .broker:clientInfo with info about the client that is mounted on the given path (or the parent of it). The Null is provided in case there is no mount point to which given path would belong to.

=> <id:42, method:"mountedClientInfo", path:".broker">i{1:"iot/device/node"}
<= <id:42>i{2:{"clientId:68, "userName":"smith", "mountPoint": "iot/device", "subscriptions":["**:*:chng"]}}
=> <id:42, method:"mountedClientInfo", path:".broker">i{1:"invalid"}
<= <id:42>i{2:null}


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

Access to the information broker has for the current client. The result is client specific.

Null{"clientId":Int, "userName":String|Null, "mountPoint":String|Null, "subscriptions":[String, ...], ...}

The provided value is same as if .broker:clientInfo would be called with client ID for the current client. The difference is that this method must be accessible to the current client while .broker:clientInfo is accessible only to the privileged users.

=> <id:42, method:"info", path:".broker/currentClient">i{}
<= <id:42>i{2:{"clientId:68, "userName":"smith", "mountPoint": "iot/device", "subscriptions":[{1:"chng"}]}}


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

This method allows you get list of all clients connected to the broker. This is an administration task.

This is a mandatory way of listing clients. There also can be an optional, more convenient way, that brokers can implement to allow easier use by administrators (commonly in .broker/clientInfo), but any automatic tools should use this call instead. It is also more efficient than using .broker/client:ls.

Null[Int, ...]

The List of Ints is provided where integers are client IDs of all currently connected clients.

=> <id:42, method:"clients", path:".broker">i{}
<= <id:42>i{2:[68, 83]}


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

This method allows you get list of all mount paths of devices connected to the broker. This is an administration task.

Null[String, ...]

The List of Stringss is provided where strings are mount points of all currently mounted clients.

=> <id:42, method:"mounts", path:".broker">i{}
<= <id:42>i{2:["iot/device", "shv/device/temp1"]}


NameSHV PathFlagsAccess

Forces some specific client to be immediately disconnected from the SHV broker. You need to provide client's ID as an argument. If client is established by the broker (it is connection to serial console or to some other broker) it is up to the broker what should happen, but it is suggested that this would be handled as reconnection request.

=> <id:42, method:"disconnectClient", path:".broker">i{1:68}
<= <id:42>i{}


It is desirable to be able to access clients directly without mounting them on a specific path. This helps with their identification by administrators. This is done by automatically mounting them in .broker/client/<clientId>. This mount won't be reported by .broker:mountPoints method, nor it should be the mount point reported in .broker:cientInfo. And due to not being mount point it also can't support signal messages.

The access to this path should be allowed only to the broker administrators. The rule of thumb is that if user can access .broker:disconnectClient, it should be also able to access .broker/client.